
Guitars, Help!?

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Ive just started to play my dads guitar but one of the strings had come off. The 3rd one to the left.

I know NOTHING, about guitars.

I tried to fix the string and i was pulling and pulling lol, i think i'll just get a new acoustic.

I looked in argos and theres all these diff type of guitars.

Which i know nothing about.

Are the guitars from argos anygood?

I have about £200

Im 15 and want to play solo guitar pieces like the bands Nirvana and Holes sound.

So, my question is. What guitar should i get?




  1. get a metal string guitar

    nylon if u like classical and spanish

    get 1 without a small neck cuz it will sound better when u pluck at it

  2. if you can take the guitar to the shop they can match the string and probably restring it.

  3. Your Dads guitar just needs a new string putting on, take you guitar with you to a music shop and buy some new strings in most music shops if you say you don't know how put them on they will do it for you! While you are there ask for some advice on what would be a good electric to buy, practice on your Dads guitar whilst saving up a little more money!

  4. well you should just get new strings there is no point in getting a new guitar when you all ready have one

  5. just buy a new string unless the guitar has had its day, then it might be beneficial to get a new one

  6. i'd say ur going in the right direction by getting a new guitar.  your dads guitar is probably a bit outdated. although it may have sentimental value.

    i just bought myself an epiphone les paul 100, absolutely brilliant guitar for the price, great sound and great feel.  not sure how much one is worth in pounds but mine was worth $450 AUD (australian dollars).  I highly recommend any epiphone guitar, if thats not what u want, maybe a Squire, they're great guitars too.

    But if those guitars are what kinda shape u like, Ibanez have some great metal guitars at reasonably low prices. great value.

    Good luck

  7. Nevada at Farlington they sell strings they have a website.

  8. Why don't you just buy a new string? It'll cost you all of two quid.

  9. a Gibson

  10. just buy a new string and ask someone to put it for you

  11. Calm down, just buy a new string from a music shop. They cost absolute pennies.

    Just make sure you buy the correct thickness, and ask the man in the music shop how to tie the strings back.

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