
Guitars Of Milan?

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I am heading to Milan, Italy next month and I wanna buy a new classical guitar..

-What Brands should I search for? Anything Italian or Spanish made..

-What Shops are famous? any websites?




  1. If I had the money and was going to Europe for any reason, I would bring home a Rayes from the builder in Madrid.  It's a small shop and he builds his guitars in the back of the shop so you can actually see them being made.

  2. Crema and Cremona are where you'll find the artisans... mailny for Lutes but also for other stringed instrunments. You'll find places in Padua and even Alessandria. These are all places (day trips) you can get to from Milan

    Galeazzo Frudua - has made guitars for Chic Cora and bass guitars for stanly Clark.
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