
Guitars for beginners? help

by  |  earlier

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ok well i'm an experienced singer and songwriter and i want to learn to play the guitar, but idk what to get, bc idw spend like $1000 for a guitar idk how to tune etc, any help? link would be nice please




  1. what do you want? electric or accoustic? i'm guessing you want to be a solo artist. well, you can try out gibson accoustic guitars, or taylor guitars. there's this other guitar but i forgot the brand name...

    what you should do is head down to your local musical instrument store and ask for help. they'd probably be a better service. and they should be more than happy to help you!

    if you want some free guitar sites, check out these: (run by some guy who gives free online lessons, he also has some REALLY great youtube video's. he's a great teacher!) (great for finding guitar tabs)

    good luck!

  2. Before you commit large amounts of money on equipment, you can get cheap guitar kits on ebay or even from department stores that will help you to learn the basics.

    If you then decide the guitar is the instrument for you, you can then invest in more expensive kit (until guitars are vintage, they depreciate in value)

    For some free online tuition you can find tons of sites on the net.


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