
Guliani just admitted McCain's poor chances of winning.?

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I clicked on it at the right time.




  1. He just talks and talks to get a kick.

    What a bag of hot air!!

  2. Rudy, as well as Hillary, know that 2012 awaits. Hillary is still a sitting Senator, who will win her seat in NY until she vacates it's. Rudy also knows, should Obama win, he's top notch Repub material in 2012. It's politics my friend.  

  3. / Rudy is giving a great "Tongue in cheek sarcasim" speech.

    He's killing Obama by revealing his inefficiencies, and the crowd loves it!

    Wait until Obama has to talk in front of Republicans.  He's been avoiding that day for 2 years, but it's closing in on him fast!

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