
Gum line colour is a bit white?

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I noticed that my lower gum line looks like it has a lighter colour than the rest of my gums, it's a bit white. Anybody have the same problem? I'm really worried about it and will probably see a dentist. my gums don't bleed when I brush or floss, and I brush everyday and also use Listerine mouth wash. it doesn't look like it's swollen either.

Also, when I pick it gently with my finger, a teeny tiny bit of the gum sort of come off (less than a millimeter), but snaps back immediately. Is this a bad sign?




  1. Probably you should stop using Listerine for awhile. Try another mouth wash with clorohexidine (0.12%). Use it for one week, twice a day, and if your gums don't look better, talk to your dentist.

  2. ummm, well pink gums mean healthy but white probably not good. Dont brish so hard on the tooth & watch over a period of time. See if that helps.

    Hope this helped!!!!!!!!

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