
Gums receding??

by  |  earlier

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hi, im 15 and my lower gums have always looked thin to me, but now i cant stop thinking about it. They hurt sometimes and also bleed sometimes. now i know they bleed because i brush too hard, so i stopped doing that, but do you think my gums will get worse? i dont know if they receding or if they are just thin.




  1. If you have been familiar with gum disease symptoms, it is high time to get the assistance of a dentist and a recommended natural gum disease remedy.  Gum disease may begin with only a few symptoms like mouth sores and constant lesions, persistent bad breath, tender and inflamed gums and the strange, gray colored film on the teeth and gums. Having painful sores on the gums and in other parts of the oral cavity is one classic signs of advanced gum disease. And these should not be ignored as it can make eating certain foods unpleasant. If gum disease is not treated gum recession can happen and can result to tooth loss. Bad breath may be common but it can signal gum disease, especially if it is already chronic and all the common sense measures do not work at all.  You should visit a dental professional and get assisted in solving the problem.  

    visit for more tips about natural gum care.

  2. The symptoms of receding gums begin a little differently for everyone. For some people it happens quickly, while others may notice a twinge here and there before this common dental problem really makes its presence known.

    The reasons receding gums occur are very simple. It's either a case of trauma to the tooth or teeth, or gum disease. The most effective steps in preventing your gums from receding are to maintain an effective dental hygiene routine. Visit your dentist for a check-up and get necessary treatments if needed.
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