
Gun Owners, who will we vote for now that both candidates do not respect the 2nd Amendment?

by Guest61838  |  earlier

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I did not have to dig very deep to find the truth about both of their anti-gun political views.




  1. Democrat.

    I'm a union worker

  2. Maybe you should just stay home... we've definitely got bigger issues to sort out!

  3. i have conceal and carry permit if i can get this in liberal ny state it is probably too soon to worry much

  4. Bob Barr?

  5. In this case, its the lesser of two evils. We know that Obamaniac has already disarmed citizens in Illinois and that his VP is one of the most rabid anti-gunners in the US. So that leave us with McCain, who while is not the brightest, at least he can be reasoned with, especially since he signed off on support of the repeal of the DC gun ban.


  6. Neither one has a perfect record but I believe McCain is more supportive of the 2nd amendment compared to Obama, who supported the DC gun ban.

  7. Vote for McCain. He's far better than Barack Hussein, and I really don't think he'll actively be doing gun grabbing like BHO and his crony, Biden.

    McCain is a little liberalized in some of his positions, and he tries to do some people pleasing. If we're ever attacked again, McCain is the one who could wake up and destroy The Main Mosque, not Barack.

  8. Wow, if you think "gun ownership" is the most pressing issue facing the US today, I would love to live in your fairy tale land.


    Again if you think "gun ownership" is your most pressing freedom, You do live in a fairy tale land. The most pressing freedoms being attacked today is Freedom of Speech. Google "fairness doctrine". Stop being silly.

  9. It really doesn't matter what they think. The constitution guarantees me the right to own guns. So says the supreme court.

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