
Gun and knife crime this may help what do you think about this its realy important.?

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we are all taught the basics at school but do you think it would be benificial to teach our children how to recognise empathy and to tollerate the differences between each you think this is possible .im in understanding that most children are good but some are miss informed at home.maybe if they had something to compare to it may help regarding the use of knives and guns ect.




  1. I think violance is rammed down childrens throats on tv and computer games which get more graphic every year.

  2. Children should be taught both empathy and also to protect themselves.

  3. It would be better if they learned that if they carry knives/guns they will be put away in a proper prison (without TV, gym, pool-tables etc) and if they kill they will be hanged by the neck until dead. That would concentrate their minds....However our society is too soft and liberal and prefer that innocent people, even children, are maimed or killed (daily) rather that execute murderers or really punish offenders.

  4. In order to teach children how to recognise empathy (and I'm actually fairly sure this is a total impossibility anyway) you have to have people who themselves understand and recognise empathy, and there are comparatively few of those people about.  Almost all schools do teach citizenship including the need to recognise diversity, but the major problem is that those kids who are going to turn to gun/knife crime are unlikely to be swayed by a couple of hours of someone telling them how they must respect differences.  'Most children are good'??? Are you sure???  The cynic in me says that most children these days will get away with whatever the h**l they can....

  5. its not all about our children.this problem starts with parents.lack of communication.

  6. It's worth a try tho, isn't it?

  7. Yes of course they should be taught empathy. They also need this from home as well.

  8. I´ve worked with kids who as a result of their actions were classed as problematic, i have been amazed at the readiness in which some would not only be prepared but have used a knife or gun, its how they defend their so called RESPEC, its all about what influences they surround themselves with. The school system now a days can only go so far and there most definitely is a break down between pupil and teacher and child and parent, this needs to be addressed in a very serious way. Crimes committed by children are on the rise especially robberies and violence, there are numerous cases of children as young as 11 committing murder and amazingly rape if these are not dealt with then the risk of them growing up into hard core criminals are high. The way some adults behave today does not leave much room for the child to except empathy and tolerance

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