
Gun control statistics?

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I am looking for statistics on gun controls (namely bans) in the US. What I need is something that shows the number of gun crimes, how many resulted in deaths and the same numbers without the gun ban. Does anyone know where I can find this info?




  1. This was just posted on another question.

    This is not in the US, but shows some statistical data on Europe.

    Im not sure there is any such data, the only place I know of that banned guns was DC.

  2. There is only one place in the entire country that had a complete ban on guns and that was Washington DC. You can find statistics on DC crime and murder here:

    Notice how 25 years following the 1976 gun ban, the murder rate INCREASED 51 percent, even while the national rate DECREASED 36 percent.

    The national murder statistics can be found here:

    This can all be explained quite simply. Gun control laws only disarm the law-abiding citizens, thus making them easier victims for the law-breaking criminals that continue to have guns anyway.

  3. Check out John Lott's book "More Guns, less Crime".  It contains a lot of statistics to back up everything Mr. Lott says in the book.

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