
Guns, Germs, and Steel?

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"explain the authors point of view of the spreading of humans around the world"




  1. You should really read the book yourself. It is a good book.

  2. Diamond seeks to explain the history of the world, and essentially colonialism, in a way which dispells the persistant "the West was inherently more advanced" myth.

    The author's view is that every civilisation adapted readily to the environment around it, and the differences in these immeadiate environments explain the different cultures that arose - such as how there have been no new domesticated animals in a couple of thousand years, all the ones that can be, have been, and that gave some societies a massive advantage. Namely the fertile cresent societies.

    When conquering other countries, it was these environmental advantages which added up to the reasons why they could invade and conquer, with their superior weapons, and diseases which other societies did not have immunities to. (Such as the Spanish invasion of the new world, they had gun and germs which the locals essentially didn't have access to).

    Like the title suggests, it was Guns, Germs and Steel which allowed for the conquering of the world. (Political annomilies of China and Japan are also explained).

  3. I would like to hear the authors explanation on why there are so many differences between the way various civilisations expanded.

    "guns germs and steel" does not explain why the flourishing Roman province of Africa has been converted to a desert by its latest conquerors. It does not explain (if there is no "inherent superiority betwee cultures") why one culture introduces slavery on a mass scale and spreads religion by mass murder in Africa while another sends in missionaries and wages war to stop the slave trade

    Of course these facts are not "politically correct" so you might be well advised not to share them with your teacher.

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