
Guns, God & g**s: Why do poor whites vote against their own self-interest?

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Time and time again, poor and middle-class whites tend to vote Republican, and usually based on the 3 G's and now M, and soon to be A: Gods, Guns, g**s, Military /Patriotism, and soon Affirmative Action. Real issues are never addressed - their lack of healthcare, lack of jobs and lack of decreasing opportunity within the heartland of America.

When everything about the Republican party is opposite of the poor/middle class man's agenda, why do they flock to vote. What's the draw for the average white man in the heartland to vote for the Republicans. The current Bush tax cuts benefited the rich, and McCain wants to keep those.

Most people who make under $65K each year have nothing in common with the Republican agenda. Are poor whites being fooled? Are poor whites being bamboozled? Is Karl Rove a genius because he's figured out how to make the very people who should hate him (and his party), actually vote for it and embrace it! Why do poor and middle-class whites believe?




  1. If that's what YOU think you have the right to your opinion, but your demographic is way way off.

  2. Good God another liberal moron:

    The lack of such opportunities comes from the democrats and their need to place everyone on government assistance and thereby guarantee their vote. This was once a very strong and self sufficient country with opportunity for all. Now we pay so much money to the government there isn't any left for creation of opportunity. When did u ever see a poor man create a job for someone else. The tax cuts everyone claims benefit the rich but it is the rich that now have some money left for investment and job creation for the so called middle class and poor. Think about it: or are you one of those college indoctrinated mush heads.

  3. Only an elitist would ask such a pretensious question.

  4. so i guess Dems vote for submission, atheism, spitting on troops, and

  5. The failure to address the lack of decreasing opportunity. Doesn't that mean that opportunity is in fact increasing.

    Tax cuts benefiting the rich is not a bad thing. Honestly, America is the only place that wants to punish people for succeeding. YES that is what over taxing the rich does. Someone worked hard for that money and they earned it. If not then they are some sort of criminal. My grandfather is a farmer who was given this tax cut because he does make a lot of money. He still works with his hands like people of the lower middle class. He come in from the fields every night aching and tired but he makes millions a year. I think he deserves the tax cut.

    Don't generalize the idea that all wealthy people sit in offices and just GET money. Everyone works for what they have.

  6. They don't... maybe they just prioritize their "interests" differently that you want them to.

  7. Not all poor whites think alike. This question is bigoted. I'm poor and white probaly in your standards (make less than 20K in fact, but I am debt free and living like a king) and am in no way interested in socialist/communist government hand outs. That is just pathetic. Under 65K? If you make 40K a year that is plenty of money. We live in a country where somebody with nothing can get anything. You can't afford to pay for health care? What did you blow all of your money on drugs and gambling? Or do you go to the doctor for every little cold? Maybe you shouldn't have bought that gas guzzling SUV... Well that is your problem, not mine and not the government's. And unemployment? How is socializing everything going to help with that? That is just going to mean more lazy losers living off the government and not doing anything. I've never needed anything from the government and never will. The Bush tax cuts aren't enough. We need more tax cuts. They should abolish the income tax and IRS altogether. Maybe then it wouldn't be so hard for you to afford healthcare huh? It sounds like the only one who's been bamboozled is you.

  8. This type of rhetoric is straight from the Obama Bash Book - didn't work a few months ago and won't work now.  

    McCain '08

  9. Neighbor from your logic I can only conclude that you need a plastictomy. Either that or you should grab your belt firmly with both hands place your feet firmly on your shoulders and push down really really hard until you hear a loud pop. Then clean out your eyes and ears and do a reality check.  Rednecks know about liberals who want to take care of us. Also about people like you with those kinds of opinions. We call you elitists!

  10. Love of freedom.

  11. Sure?

    Decode this lyrics " Upside down"

    Not the little bats.

    Still hanging upside down.

    Blind as a bat.

    Still living in caves.

    In different time zone.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  12. Yes, they are fooled into thinking that the Democrats are anti-American and that they will better off by voting the oil magnates into office.

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