
Guns at fresno state??

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does anyone know if fresno state allows people to carry a conciled gun on campus? (with permit of course...)




  1. at fresno state it would be considered a felony.  i wouldnt recommend it.  and as far as fresno goes... if some one sees it on you.. you might get shot yourself.  it is illegal to carry a gun on the campus at fresno state even if you did have a current concealed weapons permit.

  2. Fresno's a gang infested hot, h**l hole.  Why don't you transfer to a different university?  I don't see why people even live there.  Cars get jacked all the time.  If you live there, you will have your car jacked at least once a year.

  3. You could try getting a job with the campus police as a security guard. That's assuming, of course, that they use armed guards and that you'd be allowed to carry it around off-duty.

  4. Yes I know.

    First a California college campus is a gun free zone, which means a place where gun crimes are committed.

    Second, you will never get a permit to carry a CONCEALED weapon in California.

    Third, if I thought my life was threatened, I would do what is necessary to protect myself.

    Which does not mean you do not carry a gun in your backpack, or locker or glove box, only on your person at all times.

    You do not show or talk about your weapon to anyone, and you only draw your weapon if you intend to use it under legal conditions.

  5. It's illegal to carry a concealed weapon on a college campus in California, permit or no permit.

    It's also very difficult to get a concealed weapon permit in  California, and I'm assuming you don't have one, seeing as you can't spell "concealed".
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