
Guppy experiment. Is it worth it?

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One of my guppies died in my two gallon tank. I plan to leave the corpse in there for about a week just to see if my algae eater, my other guppy, and the snails will eat it. Is this a dangerous experiment.

How likely am i to lose all my fish because of this experiment.

please give thorough answers.




  1. Well, they will eat part of it, but it won't be quick, and in the meantime, the dead guppy will be decomposing and fouling up the water. It's the same concept of not over-feeding. Rotting matter in your tank is pollution. I'd say don't do it. It's not worth it.

  2. The body is decaying and releasing toxins into the water. It's cruel to your other fish to leave it in there.

  3. i would say that it is NOT worth it.

    if your guppy died from a health related problem such as a disease, your other fish may be infected and die too if they feed on the dead body.  

  4. Its not a good idea. The rotting of the guppy will cause the other fishes problems, some may die. Always change the water in your tank once a fish died.  

  5. They'll all most likely end up dying.  Anything that decays will produce ammonia, which is toxic to fish.  The other fish and snail will also most likely eat the remains, which is usually not a good idea, especially if you don't know how the fish died.  If it was from a parasite or bacterial infection, that's how a lot of them get spread to other fish.  

    But then, since you have all those fish in a 2 gallon tank.....guess it doesn't matter because they'll be dead soon as well.  Get a more appropriate larger tank for your fish.

  6. Would you want to be in a small room, with no windows that open and no way to get fresh air, and a dead body? Think about it!

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