
Guppy fry?

by  |  earlier

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how can i heat my guppy fry's water? they're in a small bowl, literally 20 oz, so a heater would cook them. my goal is to get them up to 86 degrees F. how can i do that? thx in advance!




  1. i lamp that get quite hot -- have it about 20 cm above the water --  it usually  works for me

  2. Usually when keeping fry in very small containers, they are "floated" in the main tank to keep them warm enough.  If you want to heat the water more to promote faster growth, you could try putting a desk lamp directly over the water to warm it up.  Or, if you aren't going to be floating the container, then you could try putting a heating pad beneath the bowl.  Make sure you feed them very small amounts very often in order to get them growing fast and remember to do lots of frequent water changes in that small of a container!

  3. You won't keep them long in that size container.  The water will be fouled quickly and they will die of bacterial diseases.  You need at least a 5 gallon tank with a box filter or an undergravel and a heater.  If you don't have the equipment to keep them separately it is better to leave them in your main tank.


  4. A small 5 gallon tank from petco or petsmart with a sponge filter and a Small heater would be perfect. Bottom line a bow will not cut it. Fry are especially sensitive to water quality, that is why bowls are bed for them.
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