
Gurkha veterans denied British citizenship. What do you think?

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I am disgusted of the way this country and government treat war veterans who have fought for our queen and country. They are not allowed to work, claim benefits or use the NHS yet if you are a Islamic extremist (Abu Hamza) or a immigrant you can claim as much benefits, con our country and use the NHS at the suspence of the British taxpayers.




  1. if they served for england there english, same benafits as us brits.  or in our current climate polish.

  2. I think its discuss ting! The British have always been the first to fight side by side with Americans military. I see them as our most truest and dedicated friends and allies.And I would put back on my uniform to fight for the British. and I'm 60 years old. Other countries would run and hide. That's why I can't understand some countries and people who have come out against Hillary. They don't know and understand her. She was a true Republican who went out and fought for Barry Goldwater a strong man for a strong military before she went for John Kennedy. Barry Goldwater of Arizona also had a lot of respect for Kennedy. It was president Johnson another Texan he couldent stand. Hillary would stand up for true veterans claim for what they need.

  3. This is just another example of the Labour Party and it's dislike for the armed forces. The Labour Party have never given unstinting support to our servicemen/women and when I hear the likes of Brown giving mealy mouthed praise to them I feel disgusted at his blatant hypocrisy.

  4. What?! These are some of the most honorable soldiers ever and serve our country with pride, that's awful.

    Just looked into it, loads of MPs are really pissed of too, looks like they might be able to stay.

  5. I agree with you.  These tough soldiers deserve better treatment at the hands of our government, they (all parties) should hang their heads in shame.

  6. those guys deserve every penny that there is going,they are a proud people and would do anything for you,i was with them in borneo ,good fighters and very loyal.they should get everything that scroungers get and double, they should not be forgotten,brown and his mob should be looking after them. ,shame on you brown.

  7. First, the most important bit of the answer. I agree with you. Gurkhas and their families should be allowed British citizenship if they want it.

    But you are wrong in so many respects. Firstly, all Gurkha who left the army since 1997 are entitled to citizenship. But these men were never offered the promise of citizenship when they joined up. Morally, I agree it's the right thing to do, but be clear, it was never part of the job description.

    Non-British Gurkha veterans are allowed to work, can claim some benefits if they have paid NI and do get NHS treatment.

    Your line "a immigrant you can claim as much benefits, con our country and use the NHS at the suspence of the British taxpayers" is quite simply nonsense. Immigrants to the UK are not allowed any benefit, except by reciprocal agreement with their home country. Similarly the NHS, except for emergency cases. Those awaiting asylum decisions are given leave to stay, with vouchers to buy food, but are prevented from working.

    Abu Hamza is/was a nasty troublemaker, but allowing him to stay in UK did let the authorities gather the evidence to extradite him to face trial in USA.

    ROB ROY: Until a couple of years ago NO Gurkha veterans were given British ciizenship. Successive governments of both parties had ignored their claims. The right of citizenship for those who left the army after 1997 was brought in by Blair's government.

    There's lots to dislike the Labour government for, but in this case they have gone part way to righting a wrong. If they would just take the final step ...

  8. Disgraceful. they above all have earned it if they so wish

  9. Typical of the british government. They let in all kinds of useless scagging scroungers and terrorists, but kick out anybody who deserves to come here. We should let the Ghurkas settle here with full British nationality, and kick out that ******* useless t**d brown.

  10. Absolutely disgraceful. I watched PMs question time last night and Brown waffled on about this question.

    I served alongside The Gurkhas and admire them.

  11. I'm disgusted as well. Our soldiers should be treated as heroes, because that is what they are.

    It's the same way here in America. Soldiers aren't treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

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