
Gustav is headed to New Orleans can the Messiah calm the waters of the Gulf?

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Ray Nagin looks like he's pulling out all the stops this time but he could still use a miracle to save the chocolate city.




  1. The Cintons might be to blame for the mess that FEMA was in when Katrina came. They are the blame for the NYC towers being destroyed because they did not keep the America haters at bay. Bush did well, but he had to deal with an extreme left Congress and Senate. He also has a very liberal media that only tells us what they want us to hear. Thank God that there are still people that will stand up for what they believe in.

  2. looks like He did.  God bless America again.

  3. You don't seem to understand that when local government fails like it did in New Orleans after Katrina,  it is the presidents JOB to step in.  DUH!!!

    You are a racist by the way.

    *So Shannan, you would have pushed your DEAD children out of the city huh.  Yes, that's right, heat stroke is the number one weather killer in the world.  You obviously didn't know this.  I am interested to know which shopping cart friendly freeways you were planning to use.  Do you think the elderly and sick should have also used shopping carts?  What about all the people stuck in hospitals?  I guess they could have just used a bunch of shopping carts like a train.  You obviously have no common sense.

    You are right about one thing, Nagin is an idiot so is Governor Blanco, not to mention Bush..

  4. Yea verily.

  5. The Messiah is Jesus Christ.  He calms the waters and if you don't know that now, you will at the resurrection.  

  6. Maybe McCain and The Holy Palin can offer up some prayers at their convention.

  7. It was Bush that fell down on the job...its not up to locals to deal with a natural disaster of that proportion.  They never have the resources.  Bush stupidly gutted FEMA and put novices in charge.

    Note that the federal agencies have been in the region working for DAYS... Maybe McCain could send them some birthday cake!

  8. Chocolate city, please save the chocolate city.


    AND..they re-elected the clown.

    Perfect example of a Black leader.

    AND ...the liberals want another Black leader.


    Misery loves company.

  9. Hey I have a job for Barry the Inexperienced. A bus driver with Nagan to evacuate people, I think Barry might be able to do that, maybe.

  10. Nah...the Messiah can't do much about man made things....I mean this is Bush trying to finish the job...right?

    Ray Nagin is an idiot and anyone that re-elects someone who let buses sit in a parking lot and get flooded while thousands of people needed transportation out of the city are idiots too.  I've never understood why people lay the blame at the feet of the Bush administration when soooo many mistakes were made by local and state officials before hand.  Plus

    I understand that a lot of those people didn't have money (h**l I don't) or a car....BUT if I lived in a bowl that was about to be hit by a major hurricane I would get a shopping cart and load my kids up in it and push it out of that city to the first evacuation center I could find to insure that my kids were safe.  OMG...I could go on and on about this.  But I won't.  I just think that too many people in our society are so dependent  (whether it be on the government or family, etc) that they have lost their ability to be resourceful or self sufficient.


    First, who said anything about race?

    Second, I live in the South so I know exactly what the heat is like down here and how to deal with it....have you ever heard of an umbrella and water?

    Third....yeah I would have pushed my children out of that city...the freeway seemed pretty safe to me since no one was moving because they were crammed together on one side of it trying to get out.  I sure wouldn't have waited in a bowl for someone to come save me.

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