
Gutted about AS results, what to do?

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I had anorexia for a year became less assertive in class but still worked my gut off trying to memorise text books and do work to perfection,

i started the year with biology, physics, photography and psychology but quickly swapped physics for geography and dropped psychology as I was finding things too much.

I just got home last night from India (love traveling) and saw my AS results:




General studies-B

I'm so gutted, been crying all night. I don't want to spend another 2 years in school and I'm not sure what to do about retakes, applying for courses in uni and future career options.

I want to be able to travel and love life.

Please help

Liz =( x




  1. Retake a couple of units in biology and geography. It's probably the easiest thing to do, although it will give you a bit of a heavy workload come January there's no need for you to retake a whole year. They're not as bad as you think they are and you can easily pull up your Ds if you put in the work for resits. Apply for uni anyway, you just put "Result pending" for the units you're retaking. It's not the end of the world, nearly everyone I knew last year took at least one resit.

  2. This number is for free information and advice on learning and work CALL FREEPHONE 0800 298 0234

    Don't feel too bad about those results, they're not bad and you did brilliant to even keep up with your studies!  

  3. I had this problem too, i wasn't planning on going to uni so i just left school and got a job.

    If you want to go to uni i strongly suggest you either do the two years a-levels or go to college!

    good luck

  4. Those are actually good grades. And as you were ill at the time these are bloody fantastic grades.

    Do you know that most anorexics are perfectionists and high academic achievers who criticise their good grades.

    Having a grade B AS Level is like dieting to be a size 10. To the majority of the population both are achievements and both have a good outcome. To an anorexic both are failures. No one else would try to memorise books and perfect academic work is an impossibility.

    You can easily do A Levels and get good grades from these AS Levels. But, and this is based entirely on you saying you have anorexia, you might benefit from doing a course work only route at college, something like a BTEC. This is because you will have your grades as you go along and will not have the stress of waiting for exam results.

    Both will get you UCAS points, and you already have quite a few of those from your A Levels.

    Congratulations on your AS results, they really are good and you should be so proud.

  5. them results are ok they are all passes. the photography and general studies are great, i got a C for my photograph as exam and the D's are still passes. dont be so hard on yourself

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