
Guy, 18, health problems with arteries and overweight-can I dance?

by Guest44669  |  earlier

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Ok, I come from Poland so please forgive my language...I'm turning 18 in 3 days and here's my story.

I'm a guy that used to have blood circulation problems-I had anerusims in the popliteal arteries of my both legs. They have been dealt with by operation roughy 1 and a half year ago. Until the end of January 2008 I hadn't had any physical activity for like 3 years. I weighted 219 lbs and I'm 182 centimeters in height. I took up light aerobics&cardio classes at my aunt's fitness club. The training involved excersises on step, basic crounches, leg excersises and weight lifting as well (1 training-approximately 1h). I attended those 3 days a week along with a 45-minute aerobics in water (pool) 3 times a week. After 2 months I reduced the water aerobics to 1 training a week and cardio&weight lifting to 2-3 trainings a week. Now I weight 200 lbs but I still would like to lose around 15 pounds.

I've become relatively strong and my condition improved. However, I can't run very, very much since my right leg keeps blocking since the circulation of blood is very faint there (the additional blood vessels are doing the job). On the other hand, I'd really like to take up dancing lyrical jazz, just for fun. Would it be good for me? Apart from the dangers concerning those legs? I mean the weight etc? I'm quite keen on toe pointing and I happen to have an innate ability to stretch parts of my body...But I'm not quite confident whether I should do it all in the first place :(

What diet should I adopt to keep losing weight (I'm stuck for like 3 weeks now :/) and should I worry about my dancing? I don't want to be laughed out (even though I signed up for primary lyrical jazz classes with newbies like me)...

Thank you very, very much in advance.




  1. dancing is great for having fun while keeping fit simultaneously..u go boy!

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