
Guy Advice Please?!?!?

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Theres this guy that I liked last year, and he used to always mess with me. He would constantly hug me every chance he got. Even if I said no, he would still grab me and hug me really tight and not let go. He would pinch my cheeks, cause when i smile there kinda chubby. lol But anyway he was always nice to me,flirting with me and stuff, so of course I started to crush on him. But then the year ended and I didnt talk to him over this summer.

So I go back to school next week and I'm kind of excited, kind of scared 50/50. lol And I really wanna grab his attention.

Any advice about how I could do that?





  1. don't listen to him, just go up to him and say something like "nice shirt" or something like that

  2. it was last year...forget him. he's probably changed!

  3. Talk to him, flirt, be happy, hug him back when he hugs you, hug him unexpectedly/randomly, compliment him, laugh at his jokes, make him laugh, be playful, hang out, ect.

    But, just be yourself, and be confident [but not the cocky kind, or the to over-confident - it can get annoying].

    The more you talk to him, the closer you guys will become friends, and he will notice you more.

    If you end up becoming best friends, you could always ask him out.

    It would be hard for him to say no. :D

    Well, good luck and everything !

    Hope I've helped in any way.

    -Bows. [:

  4. kinda talk to him get together then go and hug him lightly then kinda walk away really fast then he's bound to ask you out

  5. What I suggest is taking it slow but still have the excitement. I meant that you kind of wait until things are settle down and so. That would be about the third or fourth week of school.  You could also see if his actions are still the same.  
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