
Guy/Girl in my room - but NOT living?!?

by Guest55633  |  earlier

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I am a bit afraid - I have always been 'open' to the supernatural and believed most 'bumps in the night' wer NOT dangerous . . . However, a couple of weeks agon - at exactly 2:30 (I timed it since) EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, there is a BANG around the area of the backdoor, a couple of minuets later my door (Which is open) shakes and the room always goes darker and colder. SOmetimes I have the courage to open my eyes and see a 'SHADOW' dissapear into the hallway.

Now the SPOOKY BIT . . . (as If I wasnt spooked already)

Each night since the bang has been getting louder, the night before last night I woke up feeling someone pushing on my chest - I put the light on and there was a kind of 'Whoosh' sound - nothing else happened. LAST NIGHT the same again only I was moved slightly in the bed, by my feet.

I looked into it and it turns out in or around 1890 someone was killed in my cottage, when they broke into the house and came up to the lady who lived here's bedroom she SHOT them.




  1. Derek Acorah! (from now on everyone start using this name to express surprise at a spooky story!)

  2. You need a proffessional to banish or calm the spirit.

  3. Ok first calm down. Some spirits can build off fear and anger. Try telling it to leave you alone if it happens again. Also be carefull because it sounds like it might be a memory sorta. What I mean by that is it sounds like this ghost is trying to replay the murder sorta. That doesn't mean that it can kill you, because it can't. But I think that the spirit doesn't relize that it's dead. What you should do is get a few people that belive together (I wouldn't suggest doing this alone) and telling the spirit that it's dead and that it needs to leave or you will force it to. If it doesn't leave then you should get your house blessed with a blessing ritual from whatever your religion is. However if you don't have a religion then you could call in paranormal investigators to help you out. good luck and blessed be

  4. You need to command those spirits or demons to leave your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. You must also pray and ask God to protect you and your family. If you need further help ask a pastor for help.

  5. did you get an A for that GCSE english coursework?

  6. i have always been extremely scared of the supernatural (ive never seen one though AND I DONT WONT TO ) but when i was little my mum always said say go-away sevral times out loud i dont know if it will work or not but it always used to carm me down when i got really scared ! try getting an exorcist to come to your house.

    i feel very sorry for you ad good luck

    half way throu reading what you wrote, i was so scared i had to ask my-self whether i should continue to read it

  7. sounds like a haunting

  8. Is this really true?

    if it is then move house!!!

    if it isnt then .. you are a loser

  9. Spooky.. Just ignore it because if you try to contact the spirt, it will just give it more power. If you can't stand it anymore then  get a professional to come check it out.

  10. well as long as the ghost is harming u i wouldn't care

  11. Sounds like a residual haunting. You need to talk control of the situation. When you hear the bang at the door. Turn on the lights and tell it "this is your house, get out, you will not stand for it,"etc. etc. Call on your religion to help you out. Their message bords may be able to help you out. Good luck.

  12. I'll get Bill Murray and the nerdy guy.  Somebody get Dan Akroyd and the black guy.

  13. Ok. Does anyone else believe in the number 23 ?

    That is the time that the bang keeps happening ;P

    Anyway. You have an obvious poltergiest and you should tell the poltergiest to leave. Demand it. Even though it might be scary it will leave, or you could get a professional to come in.

    Like Ghost Hunters ? ;P. Btw. Never open your eyes if you hear the bang or if something is calling your name, it is very very bad to do that.

  14. Set up a video camera and see if you can catch him/her on tape.

  15. Orgasms affect people in different ways. Just change the time of night that you start playing with yourself.And keep your eyes open when you are peaking, Helps to keep your blood pressure down.

  16. ok i know the feeling because it has happened to me before but.... sometimes its just nerves and your scaring yourself.... or  their really could be something there in which case I would to to to a book store or supernatural shop and get books on how to ward off unwanted spirits.

  17. WOW THAT DONT SOUND LIKE A GOOD ONE... you need to becareful and talk with some one about this ok. and good luck, i hope it stopes for you. betty.

  18. Tell the this spirit that they are dead and to go home!

  19. If you believe in rubbish, rubbish will happen.

    This is the old, old, story of lucid dreaming. Coupled with a tale (what's with the 'in or around' thing? Why haven't you got a name and an exact date for such an important recet event?)

    Sleep tight, young man. There is more in this world to fear than silly stories and half awake dream stuff.

  20. listen she want you to find out what or who did it and shes reliving it over and over and over and pretty sick of it she needs your or someones help she needs help and wants it if you have any more ?s wright me at

  21. Don't worry,  it won't hurt you. It is just the person who was shot. Tell him he is dead and that he needs to cross over  into the light, and he will go away. The lady wants her bedroom back, and you need to tell her that she is dead too and to go into the light.

    You seem to be like a medium to attract dead people.

  22. Oh right, keep taking the medication, if you are not please see a doctor.

  23. well firstly two important things

    1. I know its difficult, but try not to be afraid..the spirit gets its energy from your negative feelings like anger and u stay in the house coz it belongs to you..(i know easier said than done, but the fact that you are even considering stayin back means u can)

    2. Despite what many popel are saying here, i DO NOT suggest that you try talking to the spirit yourself. You should ignore it. But taking professional help does sound like a good thing to do. Do an online search and look for such people who can help..

    good luck..

  24. hmm....thats not good. are you Christian by any chance? or even catholic? send me an email and tell me, because if you are, there is an easy way to deal with this, and if not, then there is a harder way, but you wouldnt be able to do it on your own.

  25. get some crushed red brick and put it on all the thresholds of your house. this will keep any thing that wants to do you harm cant pass the brick. also put blessed olive oil (you can bless it yourself) a small line or drop on all your window seals. burn a solid black candle (it has to be solid, check it by scraping the bottom if it is white under the color it will not work) this all should help get rid of things that want to hurt you, good luck

  26. oh my gosh! same here! i keep on getting these loud BANGS at night and they are too loud for the tree to hit it because it sometimes is around my bathroom or close to me.

    go to a church and buy holy water and bless the house.

  27. try getting a ghost hunter in. dont stay in the house on the 26th. i belive what your saying is true as it has happend to my freinds and they don't joke about the paranormal.

  28. This is a bit strange.

    Maybe it is the spirit of the person/people the woman shot.

    Dont stay the night of 25-26 or 26-27.

    SCARY :O

  29. that is so scary.. u should move..

  30. okay some of these people sometimes this stuff does happen and don't make fun of her she is probably scared out of her mind i would be sometimes this happens i am not sure what to do about them but i do know sometimes people do get hurt like this little ghost of a girl would carve names into peoples backs if they entered her nursey and i would believe the four year old not necissarly a vampire but possibly a ghost well hope i helped sorry i cant tell you what to do tho good luck

  31. Paranoid?

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