
Guy/Girls erections problems?

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When I see a girl naked I don't get an erection, or even when they are like smoking hot. (But I'm not g*y) However I do when I see something else (inaminate object, stupid I know) but is this normal and what can I do to help it. (I'm 14) And I'm worried that when I have s*x I will have to think about that object instead of getting one naturally. HELP!?!?




  1. You're 14, erections are a little sketchy. You're probably more sensual. I'm sure once the girl is there with you, it's all good...You'll be up and ready to go

  2. erections are supposed to be normsl no matter what you have to think about i am sure that in the heat of the moment you will get an erection

  3. If you want to be aroused, it should work out.  and btw, this question reminded me of You Don't Mess with the Zohan.

  4. dude it will all turn out fine and if in 2 year it dont then you need help medicly

  5. im sure things will change man dont worry about it at the moment.

    when your time comes, you'l be fine

  6. every guy gets turned on by something different so don't worry about it and when you get ready for intercourse believe me you will get an erection no problem.

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