
Guy I know seems to hate me now...why??

by  |  earlier

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Theres this guy that I used to get along with. Its sort've work related. We weren't really friends but we had a great rapport, joke around, flirt, etc. I did have a crush on him. I know nothing can ever happen but I still like him as a friend.

He has been treating me like a stranger from the day that I didn't deal with him anymore. Almost as if he hates me or can't stand the sight of me. He intentionally ignores me. One time, he looked at me and said hi. Then when I looked up to say hi to him, he would quickly divert his eyes.

Today when I let him in, he barely said hi to me and walked right by me. He went straight ahead to the receptionist (who he sees all the time now) and starts joking around with her and another lady. I was going in his direction anyway and it seemed he deliberately turned the other way. His snub was so obvious. The girl mentions me in her conversation, and he could barely utter a word. I feel so hurt.




  1. You should talk to him about it. Either something happened or it's all a misunderstanding. But who knows--this may turn out to be a bigger problem and wind up jeopardizing your professional relationship as well.

    But before you confront him (and you definitely should) practice how you would do it. Think of diplomatic ways you could bring it up instead of screaming at him (even though you probably want to), and be firm/confident. You didn't do anything wrong it seems, so you shouldn't feel ashamed about anything.

    Good luck!

    And if you don't think it's weird, do you mind shooting me a message after you confront him? This is an interesting question and I really want to know what happened--a while ago, I found myself in a slightly similar situation...

  2. Talk to him. ]= He probably is a little mad that you because you don't "deal" with him anymore.

  3. ask him yourself or let it go.

    Dont dwell on it.

  4. first of all, guys are jerks. 90 percent of them are. so its not so much you..he might just have a hard time dealing with things and takes the easy way out...being a jerk and ignoring you.

    im not sure what you mean by "i didnt deal with him anymore" i take it something happened..

    but yeah maybe try light conversation when you fell the times right otherwise id move on. good luck!

  5. I'm sorry, it's happened to me. after my friend & I left our jobs, he started avoiding me. & now we hardly talk. I have no idea what to say about that. I guess, like the other guy said, some people change.

  6. If you not dealing with him any more, why do you care if he is joking and flirting. If it worrying you that much ask why.

  7. this is the 5th time you asked the same question

    just stop...

    im sure youve gotten your answer yet

    if not then just ASK HIM

  8. haha, I had the same problem. Only I am in college and the guy I like ALL the other girls like him to. We've spoken a couple of times and we became good friends. I told someone that I liked him and I think he found out and from what I've heard he isnt looking for that now. Does this sound familiar? If I were you I would give him some time ( one week) if things are still "awkward" I would approach him and ask, " are things okay" if he says yes or no and looks at you it means he wants to talk to you. If he turns his head...... YOUR THE PROBLEM. IF this happens, I would give him some more time ( 2-3 days) than I would write him a letter, tell him that you value him as a a friend... or you could tell him. IF he isnt talking to you, I think he might have been feeling something for you. Another guy I know, knew I liked him, and he liked the attention I was given him. Once I started liking someone else and giving them my attention, he started being mean to me. I guess he's either missing the attention or feels the same, but he's killing himself inside cuz its too late ( well i like to think that way) anyway, if this sounds familiar, maybe try some of my recommendations!

    Best of Luck

  9. sounds like he's moved on and unless you realy realy like him you should 2

  10. he might have a crush on you and isn't sed to you not "dealing" with him he might be sad or confused and may think you don't like him maybe

  11. You should talk to him and discuss your feelings with him

  12. If you care that much for him, then you should talk to him. and you said that he treated you weird from the day you didn't deal with him. so what does that mean?

    but you should talk to him.

  13. he is just hurt that you didn't let him have s*x with you...he sounds immature...let him pout, and don't worry about it.

  14. maybe he's mad at u for some reason?.. or he just plain hates u xD

  15. some people are weird/

  16. Some people just change...

  17. just ask him. u wont lose anything.. u'r already losing a friend.. maybe u could save it b4 it gets worse

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