
Guy Question!! PLease help!?

by Guest63866  |  earlier

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please help. i'm 12 and have not gone through puerty. What does it mean if i'm tanner stage 2????

Also should i talk to the docter about when my p***s will grow?




  1. ummm... you haven't gone through puberty yet..... soo i dont think you shoudl worry aobut it growing. and wat does tanner stage 2 mean?

  2. If you're only at two, things are only just beginning.  So, you should have some pubes.  And you can ask your doctor, but he/she will tell you the same thing I'm about to:  just gotta wait it out.  It will start to grow soon enough.

    And realize that puberty has just started, and will technically last until you're about age 24.  So, it isn't an 'instant' thing.  It's a long ten to twelve year progression.

  3. o my god first of all ur 12 years old! wait a year!! and i hate it when people ask on yahoo answers because people havnt had puberty yet.

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