
Guy at school keeps yelling insults at me, can someone help?

by  |  earlier

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I need help, I have no clue why he bugs me. I hate him, I don't want to be his friend, I dispise his personality. He always yells, "hey Bryce, Your f**king dead". He has more friends than me aswell. now more and more people are saying that to me. In math class he even anoys me by throwing chalk erasers at me and touching me with his butt!!!!!! It is so disturbing!!!!!!!! He even asked me if I had a dog, I answered yes, and he said he ate it. This guy is so odd and evil, he's making me blow steam!!!!! I know I may be complaining but my mind can't take it anymore, plus I can't beat him up because I'll get expelled from my school (which has a strict bully code). I just need help X(




  1. wow, that guy sounds so immature!

    I don't know if I would have the "power" to do this but my best friend is an amazing actress and singer and she just moved to my school this year so a lot of people automatically think she's a bi*** but she's really sweet. when people say something to try and offend her she just says "that doesn't bother me", even if it does, and it makes the other person feel like a complete loser. trust me. just try it for one day =]

    good luck

  2. dude... u need to be stronger than this... u gotta learn to ignore idiots... or else it's life's gonna be rough... if u can't ignore... just at some point when he does something again... u stop him and u tell him to stop ******* annoying(u need to look menacing)...

  3. tell a teacher

  4. If your school has such a strict bully code, then why hasn't this guy been nailed by it?  You do recognize that he is bullying you, right?  You need a witness, preferably an adult you trust.

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