
Guy enters relationship with huge debt - 2 large vehicle pymts, and $15k in cc i to 'help pay bills?

by Guest10730  |  earlier

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he feels that because i 'have the potential' to make more $, i should be able to carry my bills and his bills for 'awhile,' so he can get out of debt. left me add, that until recently, and for the past nine months, he made no attempt to work any overtime. now he's working to pay his debt. he's extremely angry w/me.




  1. NO, abosolutely not.  People develop their spending habits early in life and that becomes ingrained in their behavior.  I doubt his spending habits will ever change unless there are some negative consequences (poor credit rating, repo, loan denial).  This is just a preview of the future if you decide to stay.

  2. Sorry....this ain't gonna sound good...he needs to man up and pay his own bills!! You aren't responsible for his debts..he made them....he can pay them...geez!!!  Tell him to give you his paycheck each week and you'll pay the bills for him...that ought to get him rockin' and rollin'!!  LOL....I bet he has the potential to get a second job and make more $$ too!!   Stand your ground girl....he needs to get his priorties in order!! got me going!!!   Good Luck!

  3. No....absolutely not.

    His debts are his debts.  Shared bills should be shared but equalily.

    Each of your future earning potentials has nothing to do with it.

    It migh be time for the "Supertoe".....

  4. Ditch him now.  He is just looking for some one to bail him out of the problems he has gotten himself into.

  5. No, run as fast as you can, seriously that is indicative of how he does not handle his own financing well, as Susie Ormon would say :"girlfriend, why?"

    Please do not let him ruin your good credit rating, because soon you will be drowning in debt.

  6. No way! If you were two were married you would be financially responsible but dating no....I'm just curious how long did you two date before he came up with "you should be able to carry my bills and your own." I hope you stand back and look at that last sentence...he's angry with you for making him pay his debt. He sounds selfish. You must be an angel to pay his debt in the first place....I would NEVER do matter how great I thought the guy was. Kudos for you for being so kind.

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