
Guy in my lunch. help???

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ok theres a junior or senior in my lunch and he alwayssss stares at me and like when i walk in with my friends he always looks at me and like says something to him friends and they all look at me. do you thik he thinks im hott or just wants to get in my pants? haha ten points best answer




  1. To truly find out you have to get to know him first. If he continues to stare and act "too" friendly, he probably just wants to get in your pants. If he actually takes action to get to know you, you may be in luck! Get to know him, its high school, your suppose to be having fun!

  2. A guy did that to me last year and we dated for a few months. He never was pushy about s*x or anything, he was a generally nice guy. you should never judge a boy, they are all diffrent. I think he really likes you.

  3. i wouldn't get too conceited

    you never know for sure if they were talking bout you or not

    edit: lol, they might not have been pointing at you..even if they were i doubt he would wana 'get into your pants'

  4. The way it sounds ,

    he's not hitting on you or acting like a jerk ...

    It sounds like he could actually like you ,

    Not like just for s*x or hot ,

    but he probably thinks you stand out and are pretty .

    Maybe next time you see him (and you are close enough to him)

    walk by him ,

    look him in the eyes ,

    smile ( not a huge smile , but a grin ) ,

    then keep on walking .

    good luck ! :)

  5. Either that or he thinks you look weird.  I do the same girl to this girl I know.  She has the curliest hair ever and it's bleach blonde.  It looks really funny so me and my friends always stare.

    We call her Pippy Long-Stocking hahaha

  6. Definately Probably both. If he talks to you make sure you two get to know eachother and don't havae s*x with him for a while!

  7. haha most likley both guys are like that

    start casually talking to him

    then start flirting with him

    if he flirts back like casually he thinks ur hott

    if he flirts back like bluntly (starts "drooling" or hints around about s*x) he wants to get in your pants

    and if neither of those work date him then youll find out


       hope this helped


                             -<3- alexis -<3-

  8. definitely just wants to get in your pants, but probably thinks your hott too... guys that age are usually out for one thing and when they talk to all their buddies like that its usually about 'getting' with the girl

  9. probably both

    seniors are like that

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