
Guy on ESPN just Said the Jets Have the best fans in the NFL...

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In your eyes from either watching games or acctually being there ... what team has the best fans in the NFL.. 12th Man BABY !! SEAHAWKS !!! I know everyone will say there home NFL team but try and think outside your area




  1. lol...Were they being serious?  Jets fans are terrible...

    Packers fans ARE the most loyal, and the best fans in the NFL.

  2. The Steelers definately have the best fans.  

  3. I saw that and thought it was a joke everyone knows that boston have the best fans in the world, forget about your Seahawks they suck and are not going to make the playoffs this year. now as for the Patriots who has the most chraming delightful respectful fans in the world. well they will put everything back into order and win the SuperBowl

  4. no way man. the packers and steelers fans are the best fans in the nfl.  

  5. JETS do have the best fans!!!

    GO JETS!!!!

  6. I find what Iceman said EXTREMELY offensive! Yeah SOME of the fans can get a little crazy, and by the way some of those allegations are false, but most of us stay in check. Unless youre a whiny cowboy fan. So im just going to say, in defense of my fandom, that I consider Philadelphia fans AMAZING sports fans. Just take away the alcohol and we're just diehards. Not violent diehards.

    The best fans? Hmmm Im going to have to say maybe the Dolphins. Just because it takes serious balls to stick with THAT team.

  7. that's not true all new yorkers just jump teams to who ever is winning giants last year now maybe there out buying jets Jerseys they do it for all sports up there

  8. when i think of best fans I have to think of that person who loves their team no matter what.Right now the best fans reside in Miami or Oakland.Out of the two I guess it would be oakland those fans havent rooted for a winning team in years but they still show up to support their team.they are more fanatic.I happen to be a colts fan but they kinda make it easy

  9. Holy c**p you obviously never been to Queens, NY. The Jets do have the best Fans! Jets fans are rowdy as h**l, lol how dare you compare people in Seattle to New Yorkers. Shame on you.

  10. da bears

    and not cause I am a bears fan but because I know the bears have the best fans

  11. Packer fans DID, I'm curious to see if that continues.

  12. I'd say raiders or packer fans they are everywhere and commited regardless of their teams record.

  13. All i know is that the worst fans are the philly eagles..

    What other team would pelt Santa with ice balls, boo an oppessing player when he was on the field with what could have been a life threatining injury, and toss a female dallas cowboy fan down a flight of stairs- sending her to the hospital?

  14. I'm a Pats fan but I would have to agree with the analyst. The Jets travel really well. I'd say better than any other team and their 12th man is second to none (sorry Seahawks - I'd say you're a close second).

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