
Guy poblems... help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i've known my best guy friend for almost a year, and i started liking him after knowing him for about 5 months. he's sweet, and cute, and funny, but he IS a bit of a player. his horrible gf recently broke up with him and he's single now, but it's complicated...

i'm in love with him, but i relle don't think he feels the same way about me! whenever i talk to him on facebook or nexopia he sometimes says hi back or something, but then doesn't reply to any of my other messages, and i got my friend to ask him if he likes me, cuz he was hitting on me a bit, but then he answered...

"ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww never i barly like her as a friend"

that really hurt me, but i'm still not giving up.

what do you think i should do???

another thing is i really, really, wanna tell him how i feel, just to get it off my chest and tell him that if he ever needs me or anything, i'll be here, cuz no matter what he does to me, i'll still be his friend.

any advice on how to get him to like me back, and to tell him i like him??





  1. honestly... it depends a lot on ur age, and u sound young, and i have gone thru this before, but i would forget about him, because guys are aholes and they dont have feelings like us and they never care like us. u need to focus on any guys that are into u first because guys just dont care. i promise... u can tell him how u feel but he prolly wont feel the same because if he is a player then he would have already had the game to hook up with u too. but if he hasnt said anything about it and makes no effort to talk to u he is not into u. sry

  2. ok you say that he really hurt you by saying that but you're 'not giving up'? that's kind of pathetic. players are exactly how you described him- sweet, cute, and funny. of course you would think his ex was horrible, because you like him. please don't think you can get someone to like you back. what kind of relationship would it be if you had to make him like you? if he doesn't want to talk to you on the computer, why pursue the relationship? it's better just to get out and get over it. there are plenty of guys out there who are willing to talk to you and wouldn't say 'i barely like her as a friend' because it's NOT okay for a guy to say something like that.

    you can tell him, just straight out- hey, i like you. how do you feel about that? but don't get too attached or think he'll magically like you back. i mean, it's possible that he was embarrassed because it says something about the girl when she cant just ask the guy herself and he doesn't want a middleman.  

  3. well i'd say to him something like 'i was talking to my friend about you and she said she heard you saying you barely like me as a friend? Im really confused (and heres the clever bit, suck up to him) I thought we were good friends your really cool and i like being your friend.. has she got it wrong?' Try to be jokey and dont put too much pressure on him and suck up to him and he will feel better.

    And if he's a bit of a player i wouldnt go for it, but if you want to tell him, either get a friend to say 'i think ... really likes you as more than a friend' or have a bit to drink then tell him, so either way if it all gets messed up you can blame it on friend/alcohol, and if it goes good, your set.

    good luck, tell him quick and chances are he'll say yerp! xoxo

  4. i dont think you can do anything to make him like you. feelings are natural. just tell him whatever you feel about him , and if he say that he doesnt like you back, then oh well.. there are plenty of guys left.  

  5. you cant do anything to make a guy like you, i had a best guy friend that i "fell in love with". yeah we dated twice. once for like a day and the second time for two weeks. it didnt ruin our relationship though. but we arent friends anymore cuz we drifted apart. he used to say that same stuff about me. but yet he'd hit on me left and right. honestly do you guys only talk cuz your in the same classes. or do you hang out outside of class?

    if you talk just in class. then thats a sign honey thats he's not interested in you except a person to talk to during class

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