
Guy problems...what am i doing wrong??

by  |  earlier

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i started going out with this guy (who i've known for 3 years) on the first day of school. then on the second day, he broke up with me saying "i don't want a girlfriend right now." and "i can't decide my feelings for you." and i was so angry, because it's been on and off with him all these years. and i've had it...i'm sick of him getting up my hopes and then crushing them. anyway, so i found another guy i'm interested in, and he WAS single..until today. it's so unfair. i don't understand what i'm doing wrong. i haven't had a boyfriend for about a year and a half. and i really miss being in a relationship. i'm so lonely. can anyone give me some advice?? oh...and i transferred to a new school this year, so i don't really know any other guys besides the two i just mentioned. if that even helps...




  1. Well a new school means new super hottt guys, meaning more options for a relationship. You shouldn't just give up completely. When one door closes, another one opens, just for you :]

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