
Guy showering in high school (10 points easy)?

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in john cabot in ontario canada do u take showers in front of other guys?




  1. ummmm well i dont think so or,......idk ask someone  

  2. In public places, yes.

    Unneccesary in private homes/property.

  3. most school dont let u shower there :)

  4. if i need a shower yeah.

  5. yes

  6. lmao

    Dude it's not that big of a deal.

    It's a disturbing phenomenon that you will have to deal with if you ever decide to join a health club or somesuch in the future.

    Just don't make eye contact with naked folk and you'll be fine.

    Good luck.

  7. He just did ask someone cutiewithabooty, are you retarded? Showering in front of guys is awkward but you get over it.

  8. its not that wierd no one will look at you or their g*y its not that big of a deal  

  9. i would think so  

  10. yuttt. they do.

  11. most schools don't do that anymore. its very unsanitary, you know that right?

  12. idk. i live in FL

    well someone's curious

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