
Guy <span title="">problems....................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Last year, this guy and me were like really good friends...he walked me to class, kept talking to me, even walked me home a couple of times. I kinda had a crush on him...I thought there was a spark of something...We were in the same classes.

This year (eighth grade) we're on opposite ends of the school, have no classes together, and whenever I see him at lunch or in the halls he never greets me, and I'm too shy to. I try not to show it but I'm really upset...

What happened? Did he lose interest, or what?? Also, how can I comfortably strike up a conversation with him at lunch and stuff?

Please don't say I'm too young or something--this is more about our friendship than anything else.




  1. Why don&#039;t you just approach him or say hi to him and if he continues to act funny then move on to someone else.


      Im not saying your to young, but there is life after school. In the mean time I was young once my self. I was shy in middle and high school. I say go for it. Say hi... talk to him but be cool about it.

    I once told my Best friend ( who was a guy LOL) that I had a thing for him... he thought I was nuts, and I made a *** out of my self but at least I knew what was what.

    Just ask him how his summer was... simple talk.. He isn&#039;t gonna bite you... You go girl you can do it!

    Take it from me... I met my husband online... He is so shy he never would of talked to me if I just passed him on the street. But the point is some times girls gotta make the first move.

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