
Guy tattoo ideas??????

by  |  earlier

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so my fiancee wants to get a tattoo showing our love and relationship.

I dont want him to get my name or anything like that and he doesnt want anything girly. i ned some ideas on what he can get.




  1. Girly things like hearts and flowers etc can look quite macho if they're done in a tribal style. Or maybe something like a sun to represent what you've brought to his life. Or maybe a line from a poem?

  2. Ball and chain?

  3. The date you started dating, your zodiac sign, a face portrait of you, your just a few ideas for you to go by.

  4. I have 13 tattoos and 6 of them are an ex they are all roses with his name,thats something he loved when we were together,Now we aren't together but we still talk every now and then as friends I promised myself I would never remove or have them covered up, That was basicallty our love and happiness in the relationship, I think it would be a good idea for him to do a ribbon with both of yall names, or a photo of the both of yall.
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