
Guy that I really like!!?

by  |  earlier

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There's this guy I really like. I talked to my friend and she said that he didn't like me. Then his friend said that she doesn't think he likes anybody. He makes fun of the team I like and he teases me. My mom said that there interested in the chase so I started ignoring him. Then all they sudden he is getting into trouble a lot now. What should I do? Dose he like me? How do I get him and how long should I go with the chase? He is all ways around me it seems.




  1. he is probably trying to get your attention. but hopefully he doesnt get in to much trouble, you dont want someone like that..

    plz answer;...

  2. Girl...stop with the chase.

    If you keep that up some other girl will snatch him right b4 your eyes and you wont be able to say nothing. So if you like him, just tell him. Worse case scenario ...he really doesn't like you. But at least you wont hate your self for not trying. Other wise you will wonder your entire life..."what could have happened between us?????"

  3. If your around him all the time you have to know the answer to this question. You might not like the answer but nontheless I bet you know it.

  4. dude playing hard to get is the most annoying thing ever... when chics do that to me i lose interest i just don't see the point in it. what's the question again? nvm... thx for the points

  5. yea i likes u boy like to play tha hard act so just and see what. BUT do not be a chase for to long or they go away

  6. i only read bits and pieces....but did you just say you think he likes you because hes been getting into trouble lately??

  7. dont listen to anyone execpt your heart.

    Be yourself, and dont chase, just

    go for it in your own way.

    if he was meant to like you he will, in his

    own time, just have patience.

  8. You can't force someone to like you. Since, he didn't like you in the first place, I don't think that If he did go out with you that it would last long.

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