
Guy who backed into side of my car?

by  |  earlier

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hello i had a guy back into my car a couple weeks ago and just a couple days ago i got a call from his insurance company and they said that they will fix my car!! the insurance adjuster will come to look at the damage on my car this coming tuesday. so here is what i need to know from you guys: as soon as the adjuster see,s the damage. can i then take my car to the bodyshop? and let the insurance co take care of the charges? one more question: can i give the insurance adjuster the estimate i got from the bodyshop? thanks for any advice you guys have, i really appreciate it!!




  1. I have met this kind of problem before,here is the resource I found useful.

  2. The adjuster will come out and inspect the car.

    He/She will write an estimate to repair the damage.

    They will mail you a copy of the estimate and the check.

    You take the estimate that the adjuster wrote to the body shop.

    The shop will look over the estimate and the car.

    If the body shop disagrees with the adjuster, he will call the adjuster for a supplement.

    The adjuster and the body shop will work it out.

    Do not have the car fixed with out a copy of the adjusters estimate. Make sure the shop has a copy of the adjusters estimate.

    You can have an estimate from the shop of your choice - but there is a good chance the adjuster will not take it. The adjuster is trained to write estimates on cars (many are ex body shop owners/managers). Most adjusters do not pay you per a body shop estimate. So he may not even take it.

  3. Yes, You may give the adjuster your estimate.  (he will also make one of his own).  Don't have it fixed until the adjuster gives you the OK.  If your own estimate is in line, you have the right to take it to the body shop of your choice.  Not to worry, the adjuster will advise you.

  4. Just had my car looked at today. the answer is yes . you are able to take it to anyone you like and if their estimate is more they will pay the body shop the difference,only if they agree with the body shop considering the damage may be different once you get the car fixed. they shoud give you a check for the estimated amount to fix it.

  5. 1. The insurance company will provide you with the estimate for your damages. They will pay you based on the estimate they write.

    2. Keep in mind this is an initial estimate and may not match the estimate you obtained on your own. If additional damage is discovered during repairs the bodyshop will call the insurance company for a supplement.

    3. You have the right to bring your vehicle to the shop of your choice for repairs.

    4. Before you drop of your car at the shop you should do the following. First, have the shop pre-order the parts for your repair. This will cut down on how much time the you will be without your vehicle.

    5. Drop your vehicle off on a Monday  morning. This will help you with rental. The insurance company will alot the number of days based on the labor hours. If you are given 4 days for a repair and you drop you car off on a Friday afternoon, the shop most likely won't work on your car over the weekend and you could end up out of pocket on the rental.

    6. Ask the body shop that you choose about their payment conditions. Since you are the claimant the check will come directly to you from the insurance company. You will want to know though if there is additional damages found if the shop you chose will be expecting payment in full before they release your car back to you. You don't want to be stuck waiting around for the shop to receive the supplement check.

  6. Body shop estimates are usually more detailed than an inspector coming out to your residence as they can only see cosmetic damage.

    You also need to know that it's your choice where you want to get your car fixed and the liable carrier's responsibility to get you into a rental car while it's in the shop.

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