
Guy who rly likes me but I dont like him one bit! How do I tell him no?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so there is this guy Russel and he told me he really likes me and he wants to make out with me and in all of my classes he stares at me and shows me his so called "muscles" and he says stuff like, i love the way braces look on you and it freaks me out! and when im at my locker he stands behind me and trys to memorize my combination!!! Im kinda scared! but i like one of his friends and i dont want to hurt his feelings because i sit next to him in like all of my classes and the teachers always pair us together for projects but i dont like him at all not even as a friend and like, i dont know how to tell him to leave me alone without making everything awkward. Help...?




  1. simple.. just tell him you dont like him like that

  2. I NO. same thing happened to me

    stalker/ creepperr.

    anywayss.. you should introduce him to other ppl [girls] /

    also kind of hint to him you like someone else.. so maybe he will take a hint,

    or talk about how great of FRIENDS you are. just to be nice atleast

  3. I see your problem. I had this problem in my high school when my best friend really liked me.

    Honestly, it'll hurt his feelings if you tell him no, but it will also hurt his feelings if you don't say anything in the end.

    Either way, a girl (or guy) in a situation like this can't win.

    The truth is your best bet in this - he'll be hurt but you've got to recognize what's best for you. Don't sit by and let your life get interrupted because of someone else who's not even someone you really care about.

    Just tell him you don't feel for him the way he feels about you, and that you're sorry but it won't work out.

    He should understand, it doesn't sound like he's in love with you or anything, he probably just thinks you're really s**y and wants a piece of you (because of the whole making out thing), he'll be mad for a bit, but he'll get over it eventually.

  4. just tell him no and 2 leave u alone

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