
Guyfriend wants s*x, i want to save virginity. now he says no friendship, how do i convince him to be friends?

by  |  earlier

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i really like this guy, and he likes me... but we both know we dont have enough in common for a real relationship. we have IM s*x often and phone s*x once, but i want to save the real thing for my future husband. now my guyfriend says he doesnt want to see me anymore because we can't trust ourselves alone and my virginity means too much to me. the thing is, we have never hung out before, and are only friends on IM and see each other around. he wants to keep it this way, but i would like to get to know him as a person. i know that i can trust myself with him because i have too much at stake to let him do anything to me. how can i convince him to be friends?




  1. You don't. It seems to me he doesn't trust himself  enough. Or. You can get to know him, but you gotta give up the sexual part all together, otherwise it will s***w things up.

  2. You can't, he's out for s*x, not friendship !!  But you should never have participated in IM or phone s*x, it is why he wants s*x.  He thought if he could get you to that, then he could lead you into s*x. And it will get you the reputation of a "tease".

        Like it or not, s*x is s*x, whether it is said or done. If your saving it for marriage, much like your religion says, then you best read it for yourself, because if your doing it for that blew it !!!

        Loose the friend, because he isn't, he's telling you he only has one purpose for female friends and he's being truthful, thank him for that.

         Fact is, men have very little use of female friends, i know all the girls claim they have all kinds of guy friends, but it's c**p, high school girls do it to make them look or feel irrisistable, popular, above the other girls, important and other self esteme issues high school girls have.

         Facts are this... put out or let go, no two ways about it.

  3. LOL! you cant convince anyone to be your friend! Especally if he thinks doing it would waste his time!  he wanted to bang out a Quick One Girl!  

  4. Tell him you have respect for yourself and believe that true love waits. If he's a good friend he'll respect your wishes. If he doesn't want to be your friend it's not your problem

  5. This guy isn't worth your friendship.  Consider yourself lucky to be rid of him.  

  6. Wait, so you're not friends outside of the internet and he wants you to give it up to him but won't talk to you in public really?

    Why would you even be friends with him!

    And stop giving up the goodies online to him. Save it for someone better or at least someone more worthy of it!

  7. You cannot convince someone who cannot want to meet you and get to know you as a peson to be friends with you.  There is something wrong with this picture.  Your commitments to eachother are different that what you imagine..

  8. if you have told him that you want to save your virginity and he says he doesn't even want to hang out much anymore he's not worth it. i know you like him but if he's not willing to respect your wishes and still be cool with you its not worth it you need to give him an ultimatum if you would still like to be friends tell him that either he respects your decision and is still your friend or tell him goodbye

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