
Guys, answer me.. When you had affair with other girl aside your wife, does it mean you love that girl?

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Guys, answer me.. When you had affair with other girl aside your wife, does it mean you love that girl?




  1. of course not.

    its lust don't expect anything more

  2. They never love the girl - they don't know how to love a woman. He doesn't love you and he doesn't love her.

    I've read your other questions and see that your husband cheats repeatedly. You cannot control him. You cannot change him. He will not change himself. All you can do is ask yourself this question: ''am I happy and willing to live with a man who will keep cheating?'. Your sons will grow up to be cheaters, your daughters will marry men who cheat on them - because the only example your children have of a relationship is one that devalues the woman. You CAN leave your husband and be happy without him. You CAN find someone else you will love just as much and who will treat you right. If you stay in this marriage you will always be unhappy and heartbroken and your children will feel this and they will suffer too. You can be a better mother when you are not a victim and a wonderful mother when you are truly happy. Try to move your love off your husband and onto your children -focus on them. Leave your husband.

  3. No.. sometimes the wife (or girlfriend in my case) just pushes you away with all the arguments and what not. The girl was just there for comfort, then you find yourself attracted and stuff happens. Then you realize what you've done and know you would never leave your girlfriend/wife for that girl.

  4. Hehe... I realize this was a question for guys, but I've been the wife and the girlfriend in this situation, so I do have a little insight. :)

    When I was the girlfriend, it wasn't that they loved me... it was usually that they didn't love their wives. Only one relationship in which I was the girlfriend has survived, and there were several of them - and that one turned out to be a weird marriage, where they now have something like 10 kids they homeschool in the middle of nowhere.

    Being the wife in the situation, it was mostly my husband freaking out because he'd *only* be with me for the rest of his life - and we're pretty young. That, or to be honest, I was just flat out being a b**ch. We've found an understanding about things now....

    Never have I seen it really be about loving the girl on the side, though - because if you did, they'd have left the wife before getting with the girlfriend, or at least shortly thereafter, not quite some time after. Typically, the girlfriend is just an easy lay, to be quite frank.

  5. nope, it was just s*x... :D

  6. No......It just.....

    A)Means your wife isnt doing it right.

    B) Means your a weak guy.

    C) Means you need to get a divorce

    D)Means you got waayyyy to drunk the other night.

    E)Means you may love the

    F)Means you need to stop listening to your Pee-nasty.

  7. "Well" You obviously don't care love your wife "or" you would'nt ****** cheat on her to begin with "so" that answers a question.

    "And" secondly "How does this girl make you feel?"

    Do you seriously see you with her in twenty years or don't you?

    "How long you been with her?"

    "My Geuss is you can't answer that qeustion "Because" It's in you to cheat!  Your looking for perfection in a erection buddy.

    You better think about it "Before" you get burned and burned hard.

  8. well it depends in your love though. hope they don't have an affairwith other girls cause that bad.

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