
Guys, did your acne start to decrease after a certain age? i'm 17 and had moderate acne since 13?

by  |  earlier

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im about to start college and i went to numerous dermatologists but my acne is still coming. my dad said he and his family both had it when they were younger so im guessing that's where i got it from. im dieting right now but it only makes a slight difference.

i thank god that my acne is not severe but it certainly isnt mild. i have lots of hyperpigmentation spots from some cystic acne bumps and was also wondering if those fade away.

guys, around what age does acne start to decrease? my dad said 2 years into college but i want some other answers =]




  1. Hey, I dont have acne but theres a guy at my work who still has it and hes 30 lol.  I'm sure its different for everyone but most people probably notices dramatic changes when their teen years are over.  

    I copied this from another answer to someone else that I made, if you wanna read it......

    Drink water, like, 2.5 liters a day. I know it sounds like bullsh!t but it really helps, more than ANYTHING.

    Also, get 1tablespoon of baking soda (or bi carb soda) and add a little water to make a paste. Then put it on your face and leave for half and hour, it stings but it helps!!

    Yeah, :D

    also try..

    salty water wash, lemon juice wash and changing your pillow cases.

  2. It will probably start to decrease over the next few years. Make sure you are washing your face every morning and night and after any physical activity where you are sweating a lot. Use either something your dermatologist prescribed or an acne medication from a local store, not just regular soap. Also, cut back on pop/soda. I know that can help a lot.

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