
Guys, do some women make you feel like you can't say you like big b*****s, behinds, lips b/c that means youre

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"shallow". Some girls need to realize that guys like these things. (I do).




  1. It depends on what kind of gf/wife he has already. It would be very silly and tactless to say you like big b*****s on a small chested woman or blue eyes if you your gf/wife has brown eyes.

    I know my husband likes big b***s and blue eyes but if he preferred small b*****s and brown eyes I would wonder why he was with me.

    It's stupid and uncaring being with small breasted woman if you are constantly ogling big b*****s. It's like a woman being with a man who has a 5 inch p***s but constantly looks at other men's trouser bulge hoping to see a 8 or 9 incher!!!

    If you like big b*****s then find a woman with big b*****s and leave the smaller chested woman alone.

  2. I like being complimented.  Just don't touch and we are cool.  LoL

  3. You really must work on your bad attitude towards women.  I know that you have trouble with your mother, but all women are not bad.  Women don't have ANY control over what men think or say, or feel, except for wives, and long term girlfriends.  Then they don't like for the men to say that they like anything besides themselves - as it should be..

  4. I rather my man like those things than small perky 12 year oldish b*****s.

  5. Actually all women expect men to love these things and they love to showcase whatever they have that catches a mans eye.

    Women are quite shallow because they are insulted if no one notices. All of a sudden if I don't care for a pair of b*****s in my face I'm considered g*y.

    They'll gladly shriek the word aloud like a banshee.

    Who cares what men like, yeah women like to hear that men like about their bodies, but women also don't want to hear what about their bodies the men DON'T like.

    Believe me ladies, men don't like everything they see. In fact, I don't think women care that men LIKE their bodies I think they start thinking it's shallow when they understand what men DON'T like about their bodies.

    And this makes women feel like sshhhh**ttt

  6. most men do like junk in the trunk

    VERY NICEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. If it's my boyfriend or husband complimenting my body that's great.  If it's a good male friend I'll make fun of him but not be offended.  If it's a total stranger or a coworker or a pastor or something, it's creepy!

  8. No, whether people like it or not their physical appearance is part of who they are. I don't let myself get guilted into believing I'm shallow just because I have a certain physical preferences. There is a difference between having preferences and being blind to everything but the physical being.

  9. Heaven forbid a man should express his natural desires in any way, shape or form. And he certainly should know better than pay a woman a compliment.  Kindness and sexual attraction are only appropriate for women to express.

  10. If a pretty gal doesn't like that I enjoyed her butt that really doesn't matter to me.  I still enjoyed her butt, and have a photographic memory to boot.  It's not degrading to appreciate either folks.  If a rocket scientist has a nice ***, she's still a rocket scientist and it's still a nice ***.

  11. Since I became a MAN, I really don't "sensor" myself for anyone.. male or female. Unless of course it's in my best interest to do so... like a business deal, job, etc.

    Otherwise I don't give a rats a*s

  12. I'm bisexual, and the last time I said that I liked big b*****s...Some guy accused me of being "guyish." It kind of pissed me off personally. Guys aren't the only ones that like big b*****s and behinds.

    So to all the guys.......Please don't tell a bisexual or a L*****n woman that she's like a man if she likes big b*****s.

    I know this is an off-topic answer, but I just had to say it.

  13. No and if they said something I could careless.

  14. I love women .. I always have ... The ones who complain about that are the ones I wouldn't bother associating with ... Those are just secondary characteristics after personality ... It means nothing if you are attracted to these things ... Women , whether they admit it or not , are also attracted to secondary physical characteristics of males.

          So There ... watcha think about that , ladies???

  15. Doesn't bother me. I like those things too, lol.

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