
Guys, do you eat your own spunk?

by  |  earlier

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Have you tried it before? Do you do it all the time? What do most people do?




  1. you men who says yes to this question have got to be sick.

  2. No. Just no.

  3. It came out of you so I guess it can't be all bad otherwise there'd be a whole lot of dead adult entertainment professionals.  The counter-argument for that would be that poo comes out of you too and you don't see many people eating that....except in those grody German pisse und schmanze videos...I think I'm going to go hurl now.  

  4. Done it many times:why waste protein and a bit of sugar?

    And besides that I am g*y:so used to it.


  5. Yeah, not all the time, but sometimes.

  6. no and most people dont want to eat that....ugh

  7. That sounds gross. I tasted a little tiny bit of mine to see how it tasted, but I cant imagine eating it.

  8. you should mix it with chocolate and give it to your mum

  9. The only excuse for getting it anywhere near or face is if your 1 g*y or 2 you aim wrong haha but no its sick to eat your ***!  

  10. If I'm in a real, high libidio, horny mood.

  11. You're a SICK puppy, and a troll.

  12. sometimes... but rarely....

    it always seems like a good idea while you're jerking... but then when its in your mouth you're thinking! this is so gross why did i do it!?

  13. No thanks..


  15. I like to get a girl to do that for me...

  16. ooookkkk ummm nooooooooo no no an no just no ok no...

    dont ask no more sick questions no  

  17. Rarely, but yea sumtimes!

    usually seems like a good idea when your wanking, but once youve *** its like 'no way am i doing that!'

  18. only on

    seriously though sometimes i feel like trying it while i'm whacking it, but after i finish i'm like eww that's actually a gross idea.

  19. not really let the other person

  20. Yes I have on occasions some thing you develop a taste for.

  21. baaaaatttttttyyyyyyy bbbbbooooooyyyyyy

  22. tried it;  liked it.  I've even eaten other guy's spunk.

  23. No i don't. My flat mate however has been unwittingly eating mine for the past six weeks as i keep putting it in his mayonnaise.

    That'll teach him not to use my toothpaste.

  24. No way, thats disgusting, mop it up with your under wear.

  25. yes, (lol), but not mine though :P. Only sometimes if I'm in a horny mood.

    Actually, its very good protein and why waste it so i don't know why you people say its sick. like you've never done it before? (sarcastic)


  26. Yes, thousands of time and mine tastes good. You guys who think it's bad or not right to do but yet you expect a girl to swallow something you won't swallow yourself. How hyocritical can you be.Besides hypocritical you're being stupid and juvenile.

  27. Oh for the love of God ......!!

  28. I done it once, it was actually quite nice but i would only do it again if i was really really horny lol

    btw im not g*y lol

  29. I have never heard of this,what an eye opener.

  30. I agree with Jack N. How can any of you bloke think it is disgusting or what ever but expect a woman to swallow or at least get it in her mouth. I think it should be a rule that you cannot put it into a woman's mouth until you have tasted it yourself. Bet there would be a lot of men tasting there c*m that wouldn't have even dreamt of it before.


  31. there's nothing wrong with that some men do it all the time it's considered very sexually advanced

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