
Guys, from a 16 yo girls perspective: If no consequences, would you have a relationship with an underage girl?

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Guys, from a 16 yo girls perspective: If no consequences, would you have a relationship with an underage girl?




  1. yeah theyre easy

  2. No...because the maturity factor plays in and I've had a fullfilling life after high school so I know you couldn't relate to what I've been through being you're still in high school.  So we wouldn't have much in common or to talk about.  Not that it's a bad thing...just you and me are at different parts of our lives.

  3. If you are defining a relationship as pure s*x, I think a majority of guys would especially those under 25. If you mean a real relationship, I doubt guys would be interested in a girl once he got older than 21ish. A relationship usually involves communication and a sharing of interests. It's not easy to do with a girl who grew up in a different generation. Think about how hard it is for your parents to relate to you with a gap of 16 years. That gap is wide enough when its only 5 years or more to be a real problem at young ages. Once you get older, 25+, the gap basically disappears. It's not uncommon for adults to have relationships with someone 10 or more years older/younger.

    I think, should an older guy be interested in you for a real relationship - not just s*x, he will find out your lifestyle is far from his - parental curfews? lack of money, automobile? different problems like school work and friends? different tastes in music, tv?  Be careful what you get in to and more importantly what he gets into.

  4. I had one s*x and all ... but god d**n I was scared when i found out she was underage.  didn't stop me from continueing though.  But the nipple is right ... the mentality is definitely different (as was with her).  If you're only talking s*x (oh yeah) serious relationship ... it'd be all drama. God d**n the high school drama. And you better believe your friends WILL SNITCH. Because A. they're jealous B. they care about you.

  5. I'm 40.  The answer is, even without any legal consequences...


    Moreover, what in the world would I have in common with a child?  I mean, s*x should be more than mutual masturbation, right?  And so what else, besides s*x, would I have in common with this hypotheitcal child?  What would we talk about?  Music?  History?  Social events?  

    *Shaking my head*

    It boggles the mind!  A relationship is about shared ideas and experiences and conversation.  I much, much prefer a woman who knows her body, knows herself, and who has at least some experiences and points of view in common with me.

  6. Absolutely.  I don't agree with an age limit being placed on relationships.  The only thing that would keep me away is the law.

  7. no your risking too much. keep it safe and date the legal ones! i've seen way too many people get into trouble

  8. Since they'd have to be under 16 where I live; it kind of makes me feel ill.

  9. **** yes

    im a guy

    this is my friends account

  10. No consequences? You mean aside from jail?

  11. I think most men would  

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