
Guys, has your lack of experience ever hurt you in a potential relationship?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering if that situation ever hurt your chances or made your situation stronger because you were preceived as having strong morals?




  1. my girlfriend was ssurprisedwhen i told her i was a virgin and was waitingfor the right girl bebecause am a catholic and i had actually never had a girlfriend before and she was so sad becuase she wasnt a virgin and she was mybe even pregnant    so ya it brougth us closer in the end.....begining.....whatever

  2. i like when they have experience with kissing a little with relationships and such but when they have a lot of sexual experience i get uncomfortable  

  3. I think it would depend on the girls and their own beliefs/experiences some might prefer a lack of experience others might prefer an experienced guy but I think for most girls if they liked the guy enough they wouldn't mind either way.


  4. never.

  5. No guy i've ever dated has had strong morals. If you have them keep them and don't let a girl change that for you, if half the guys out there was like you, the world would be a lot better place.

    help me please;...

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