
Guys, how do you feel about virgins? Would you date one?

by Guest61915  |  earlier

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K so, a girl is social, has a nice personality and is pretty attractive--let's just say she's girlfriend material. but she's also 'pure' and plans on staying that way till she's married, would you still date her? Or be into a relationship even?

What are your takes on virgins? I've heard numerous guys say they want nothing to do with us because it's frustrating, we don't know what to do when it's finally 'time' etc...But if you really like her, does it really matter all that much? Do you feel there would be more to that relationship than s*x? Or no?




  1. guy are not picky they love girl that will have s*x with them. they love popping a girls cherry to.

    if a guy doesn't like you because your virgin. then something wrong

    most guys say they want to marry a virgin.

    but you don't have to be a virgin to give a man the chase he likes

  2. guys who won't aren't the ones you want to date anyhow. It is a shame when one of the things that a woman should be most proud of is made to be something she is ashamed of. Virginity is something that is special and is of good quality. if they want a herpes ridden s**t, then fine! they probably aren't man enough to handle one anyhow.

  3. i would date her.

    i am also a virgin;s*x doesn't mean everything in a relationship.

    my gf and i are both waiting till marriage

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