
Guys, is this normal or g*y??

by  |  earlier

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so im 17 and i have a friend whos name is isaac and his dad owns a hotel, and he said we could only rent one room, and he actually invited eight other guys and the room was so f*cking crowded all guys slept together and most on the floor, and practically all of the guys shared the bathtub





  1. No, not g*y.  Just poor sleeping conditions, which bothers some people more than others.

  2. Normal.

  3. Yes and now Im f*king off

  4. Normal

  5. if you find it disgusting then your not g*y but that wasnt the question if they enjoyed sharing the bath and sleeping nxt to each other then diffinatly g*y did you share a bath with someone? besides if you were there for only one night y did every one have a bath? unless they were very DIRTY.....

  6. depends if you are comfortable with your sexuality..

  7. if the guys shared the bathtub together at the same time, then yea dat's g*y

  8. thats he most gayest ******* thing i've ever heard in my life, ur a true f*g

  9. unless you took a bath at the same time then no its not g*y. and unless you had s*x while you "slept together' then no, its STILL not g*y. and wh are u to say ***** off when we're the ones answering YOUR question???

  10. g*y!  

  11. im same age and same gender and completely straight

    did you have baths together? i might be mistaken! if not then its fine. Even if you did (odd it is) but even if you did then aslong as there was no mutual attractions going on then there is nothing wrong with it at all. i just duno why youd wanna share a bath with another guy lol.

  12. This is not a sign of being g*y.  

  13. As long as nothing happend than no its not g*y. And why do you tell the people who are choosing if your g*y or not to **** off? Well maybe you should **** off QUEEER

  14. its normal wats g*y about that they werent f u ckin g

  15. if you liked it you are if you didnt you aren't  

  16. No. I bet it was one h**l of a party tho

  17. How about you **** OFF ignorant Tw@

  18. not g*y

  19. NO.

    I don't think it was g*y for the guys Dad not to want to give a bunch of expensive hotel rooms to a bunch of teenagers to trash.  He probably figured he could keep the damages to a minimum.

    I'll be f*****k i n g off now*.


    *On second thought, how does one f*****k off?  You can have an "off" day a work where everything doesn't go right, so I suppose you could

    f*****k-off by f*****k ing and doing a bad job at it.


  20. im not a dude.

    but this sounds like typical guy stuff.

    if your homophophic then thats a different story.

    dont stress out about it.


  21. There is nothing normal about guys bathing together unless they are 4 years old.  

  22. you just asked this question but in the other one you said you were going on a trip to dc for school. make up your mind...

  23. Yes - bye!

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