
Guys, or girls i guess, what do you think of this?

by  |  earlier

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I have blue eyes, about the color of hers -

but i have a defect with my pupils, and they are always super dialated, and ive had several guys tell me how s**y and cute it is, and others say its creepy, and if i can open my eyesmore so they stop * they dont* so what do you think?




  1. people's pupils dilate when you see something you are attracted to. most people don't know this... but it makes sense that then see your big pupils and think you are attracted to them, so find it s**y. :P i don't really think it matters in any way...

  2. i think it wouldnt loook ugly. its cool.

  3. I've seen your pics on another question, theres nothing wrong with your eyes...Are you fishing for compliments? Come on lets be honest here.

  4. those are gorgeous

  5. My pupils are always dialated too, but for a TOTALLY different reason.  

  6. they look great. Mysterious but innocent.

  7. kinda scary to some people, but i find the gorgeous, and fresh!

  8. Darlin' if that's the way you are, then there's nothing wrong with you. Never EVER think that there is. And hey, if the guys like it, Nooooo problems right? ;)

  9. God, those kind of eyes make me freeze and i always get a shiver down my spine.

    Well look towards the light, since it makes pupils smaller.  

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