
Guys, please help me out with this, I´m really confused.?

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I´ve been seeing this guy for maybe a month. Always got on really well and less than a week ago he says to me Í haven´t been able to talk to anyone like I can to you for over a year´. I felt really good about myself, and slept with him. Now he´s gone really cold on me. We´re both adults, in our twenties. The s*x was ok I guess, he came and I didn´t. But that´s pretty normal for me.

What the h**l? I haven´t said anything that could have upset him or offended him. Is it better if I just get the h**l away?




  1. I did answer this but something must have happened... maybe I had a 'senior moment' and forgot to hit 'submit' - anyway, several things could be true.

    1. You were a mystery and a challenge. Now there's no mystery and no challenge. Some people (either gender) do that. Cold, eh?

    2. He had a problem and need someone to talk to. Now he's fixed that problem, he doesn't need you. That's cold too.

    3. He needed someone to talk to, never intended to get sexually involved, now he has and doesn't know what to do. Doesn;t want to hurt you, but doesn;t want to continue. Paralysis of indecision = reserved, withdrawn. Happens...

    4. Somethin else is going on! Another woman? His permanent partner? who he had an argument with, left that relationship, now has gone back? Maybe he needed you to find him attractive to shore up and repair his self-esteem.

    I have a female friend and work colleague who gets close to me when her marriage is in difficulty (platonically) but goes back to strictly business as soon as the marriage comes back on track. Doesn;'t worry me but I do notice it.


    What about eyeballing him and telling it like it is?

    Good luck, girl


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