
Guys, should padded or 'wonder' bras be outlawed? sad story attached?

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my good friend had recently met a wonderful woman, pretty, smart, loved nature, worked with special needs children, and volunteered reading books to the elderly. After 8-10 weeks of going out, they finally took it to another level. he then realized her fabulous form was actually quite different, by about 2 whole sizes.... not to be rude and upset her, they completed the act... he has not called her or taken her calls since-- he feels hurt and betrayed by her. all the money and time he spent seems to be a waste... for all he knows she has lied about everything... she has mis-represented herself by creating this false image-- he wants to talk to me later about what he should do, after he gets back from his hair club appointment




  1. Very funny!! Not!!


  2. don't mind the people saying ur superficial, the fact that she wore something that changed her bra size shows that she's insecure, and would probably be bad if u were to get into a relationship.  if its a joke, then LMAO!!!! XD

  3. he should talk to girl about it! that simple!


  5. dO YOU SEE YOUR IRONY HERE?  Lol hair club for men huh?  I believe its society and men who drive women to this.  I for one don't like my body but the man loves it.  But men seem so obsessed with b***s being big no wonder she did what she did.  It also shows he only liked her for the way she looked not for who she really is.  I feel sorry for her not him.

  6. Aww, poor guy. d**n those cushioned bras...

  7. well..if he is looking for somebody with more curves, he should look for a girl with curves! those wonderful products can't make a cup A girl DD. so find a DD girl, she should be at least C.

    and im sure the girl is hurt too. she was wearing that cuz she wanted to impress him. meaning she really liked him. hope he can get that and doesn hurt her back

  8. You have got to be kidding.

    How shallow are you and your friend?  

    Men have been known to stuff their jock strap to present more material.

    I would say that you both need to reevaluate yourselves.

  9. They are only b***s for gosh sakes.  They don't make her who she is.  You and your friend are incredibly shallow.

  10. dang, what a stupid question, your friend is obviously shallow.  what the h**l was she supposed to do. its not like she could just tell him "hey baby just letting you know i wear a padded bra cause i'm not secure with my body".  What's next? is he gonna break up with another girl if he finds out she had a boob job. He needs to grow the f**k up.

  11. First of all, this is something you need to expect, and in the grand scheme of things, a woman's breast size should have no issue in a relationship, and I wouldn't worry about her lying about everything else.

    I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but it sounds like your friend was just dating her for her b*****s...

  12. on the one hand she did lie pretty much, but on the other hand it's not very good that your friend doesn't care about all the other stuff (woman, smart, loved nature, worked with special needs children, and volunteered reading books to the elderly) once he found out about the  "wonder" bra

  13. wow he act like she lied and said that they were real. it's not her fault that he just assumed. he's making it seem like that's all he wanted from her and that's the only thing that he liked about her..he wouldn't like if she stop answering his phone calls because his p***s size was 2 sizes smaller then what she expected.tell your friend to grow up, you will never find a perfect person

  14. your friend should have just go by her personality not the size of her b***s because if she really have boob jobs it wouldn't make any difference for thinking that she lies than all of those people that had  boob jobs would be liars what about some women got married first than have boob jobs later they weren't lying to their husbands but they were loved for their brains not their b***s.  

  15. How is that different than if she was wearing colored contacts, or have dyed hair?

    You and your friend seem really superficial, since everything changed when you found out she was 2 cup sizes smaller.  

    I think you and your friend especially are making more out of this than it is.  

  16. No wonder bras should not be outlawed ...shallow is what your friend is being....sorry our bodies are not perfect.  No hair huh sound like he is trying to cover things up too! Why the Double standard.

  17. LOL ...this is too funny! I think you should explain to him the upside of plastic surgery.  This is a very difficult subject one that most guys complain about but I think he should overlook her alleged "misrepresentation"  especially if she has "other talents".  I'm sure she has over looked his short comings...right?

  18. Honestly, I think it's shallow of him to break up with her because her bra size isn't what he thought it was.  You should care about a person and their like and dislikes, morals and values, not the shape of their body.  Tell your friend he's messed up a [potentially] good relationship and that he doesn't deserve anyone, especially since he enjoyed doing so many other things with her.  The only thing sad about this story is that your friend is a total loser and he would probably have more fun in the toy aisle messing around with Barbie Dolls.

  19. If he doesn't accept her for her personality rather than her figure he's quite shallow.

    Every girl wants to look good.

  20. I know what you mean!!!!!

    I can not tell you how many times us girls get together and someone has a small p***s story to tell.

    The guy comes onto them and acting all hot then they get their clothes off and he has a little smokie down there. UGH !!!

    It's rude to laugh so all we can do is lay there and pretend he's got something to work with. It's aweful I tell you.

    That said, when you love someone those things don't matter. Your friend don't love her and she is better off without him.

    Encourage him to stick to his magazines where all the girls have big b***s. LOL

  21. She could have at least had the decency to get implants. She has some nerve!!!

  22. I hope your kidding!!!!

  23. Wow, Lol, its obvious that you just made this question up to try and get reactions out of people. Do you not have anything better to do with your time? That's so sad you poor, lonely, pathetic soul.  

  24. He shouldn't be so concerned with superficial aspects.  

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