
Guys, what are some signs that you do to show that you are interested in a girl?

by  |  earlier

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Do you stare at her a lot?

make eye contact?

pay attention to what she says?

laugh at her when shes funny?

smile at her?




  1. Me, personally, stare a little bit. But once we make eye contact, ill smile. If shes on the other side of the room, ill maybe wave.

    if i initiate a conversation, ill always have eye contact and smile at her. Try my best to make her laugh and tease her a tiny bit. Of course ill pay attention to what she says and laugh when shes funny. But ill always try my best to keep things rolling.

    If i get really comfortable with her, and i sense that shes comfortable with me, ill move closer to her and maybe touch her a bit. And the big finale is to ask her out.

    hope this helps.

  2. If I'm not good friends with her, I'd just make eye-contact.

    If I know her, I'd just make idle chat to talk, then make a move.

  3. I ask her out.  

  4. - Lots of staring and looking away when she looks back

    - Pays attention to what she does and says, specifically her

    - Smiles at her

    - Stands close to her when in a group, noticing what she does

    - Doing nice things for her

    - Flirts with her

    However, keep in mind that not all guys are the same. Remember that each guy might act in a different way; these are just general things that a guy may do. If you want to know if they are interested, the simplest thing would be to just ask them; they'll usually answer truthfully. If you don't want to ask so directly, you can ask to go out for a drink or ice cream or something; we usually do say yes. That would be a good time to get to know them and see if they really are interested in a relationship.

    Hope this helps :)  

  5. Stare her down all the way...


    n then eventually (no matter how long it takes) tell her my feelings for her...

  6. ask her out...

  7. if you catch him staring at you, then he nervously looks away, it's a pretty good signal. if you establish eye contact, make a quick smile and see how he reacts. nervously/smiling back is just about proof that he does. Good luck!

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