
Guys, what do you think of the concept of "friends with benefits"?

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Guys, what do you think of the concept of "friends with benefits"?




  1. Not a guy, but that situation is hard to find, seems like one person always wants or hopes for more, whether secretly or not.  One person is usually abusing the situation.  But as long as you aren't hurting anyone, it's a fine deal.  But hard to find in real life.

  2. Wish I had some! :P  But personally, I don't see anything wrong with it so long as both know that's what it is and one isn't being lead on.

  3. I'm not a guy but personally I think its a bad idea because first of that cause  expectations, you can no longer just chill and hang out as friends w/o there being sexual tension or wants..your friendship will never ever be the same not to mention that emotions are involved and eventually you get attached as if you were in a relationship without the strings attached like a relationship and at any given point that person can come up to you and tell you that they found someone new that they're gonna date and your no longer needed as a friend w/benefits and you're supposed to go back to being just friends like it never even happened...bad it

  4. I think it's ok as long as both people agree on exactly what is going to happen.  A few years ago I had a friend who had been in a bad relationship for quite a while and was not interested in getting involved with anyone.  We were close friends at the time and she suggested we add benefits to the friendship.  This went on for about a year then she ended up moving away.  We still talk on the phone quite a bit and when she is in town, we get together for a drink.  She is dating again and I know my place as a friend.  

    On the other hand, I have a current fwb that I have not known as long.  We hung out for about a month then she started getting real flirty with me.  I explained that I was not interested in dating her and she suggested we be friends with benefits.  This was ok for a while, we would talk a couple times a week and get together a couple times a month.  Then she started calling and texting several times a day and buying me expensive gifts and getting angry when I would spend time with my daughter rather than her.  I would turn down the gifts and she would get offended and bring them back when I was not home.  I know I should have been more cautious with the second girl.  I knew she was more needy and might get too attached.  

    There's the good and the bad.  I wouldn't change the first relationship for the world and I would give anything to not have gotten involved in the second one.  

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