
Guys, what does it take for you to understand, "DONT TOUCH MY ___!"?

by  |  earlier

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This happened at a club w/ my brothers friend. After the first time I gave him a STERN warning. Minutes later he did it again... I handled it by tellingh my brother. Lord knows I took the higher ground on that cuz I do'nt play when it comes to my space. I mean, if I wasn't w/ my brothers and I didnt know the guy- I woulda told someone to handle him. So guys, really what does it take? or are you really wanting to catch a b down?




  1. Kandy's answer is a great one - if you say it loud and in public, he'll probably be embarrassed enough to quit! Only do this for a second offense, though - a guy who doesn't learn from the first time deserves what he gets!  :)

  2. He's a pervert, one step short of being a rapist since he can't take no for an answer. Don't put it on the rest of us.

  3. if a guy touchs u in a way u dont like, and ur lucky enough to be at a club where a lot of people are around, just say very loudy "DO U MIND NOT TOUCHING ME!!!" if he goes for ur butt again, i'm sure somebody will stick up for u. u might even make a new friend.

  4. Some guys are just stupid like that and need to be slapped silly or kneed in the groin. That will teach him you mean business next time. Me on the other hand I have respect so that wouldn't be a problem with me at all.

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